Talent Requirements | Joining United Voice Talent
Talent Requirements
Here is what you need to know and do to BEFORE you register and consider membership as of 06/01/2024.
YES – after you register and ARE approved you will create a “artist listing” featuring a bio, head-shot, demos, rates, etc.
YES – all voice talent applications are manually approved by our director Anthony Reece after registration.
YES – you MUST have professional voice over and/or narration demo for use on the site. This is a must!
YES – you get to pick your preferred scale for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and additional hourly rates, plus a national flat hourly rate.
YES – you keep 100% of money made from private jobs you are hired for from at your artist listing.
YES – we only make money from all custom publicly sent out client castings and talent listing upgrades.
Current participation options for voice talent: (yes all are at a 1x yearly fee to assure you maintain listing)
STANDARD ARTIST ($29.95 a year) 1-year standard artist membership plus listing found on searches.
FEATURED ARTIST ($49.95 a year) 1-year enhanced artist plan, plus equal rotation on home page as a featured talent.
SPONSOR ARTIST ($69.95 a year) 1-year enhanced artist plan, equal rotation as a sponsor talent on home page and top of all category search results.
OPT-IN LIST ONLY (FREE NO WEBSITE LISTING) Enjoy periodic client auditions on all public castings sent to voice talent. You must enroll and create a free account to be added to our opt-in list.
Thank you again from United Voice Talent. The home of flat hourly voice over talent.
Anthony Reece / UVT Casting Director
NOTE: How do you register and create a listing? Read Our FAQ’s.